At The Ten Talents Foundation, we partner with developing non-profits in the Louisville community to help them grow and achieve their missions. One such organization is Scarlet Hope, which shares hope and love with women in the adult entertainment industry. Their mission is to help change these women’s lives through resources like community & text outreach, weekly bible study, case management, a drop-in resource center, and a job training program.
Founded in Louisville, Kentucky, Scarlet Hope is a non-profit that now serves 10 major cities across the US, with a vision to one day reach women in all 25 most exploitative cities in the country. They approach their mission with non-judgmental compassion, persistently praying for opportunities to bring the gospel’s message of redemption and unconditional love to those in the darkest of places. Scarlet Hope began its work in 2008 by serving home-cooked meals to dancers at local strip clubs. As their outreach grew, so did the number of women in these clubs who asked for training and help to reach others like them in neighboring cities. To meet those needs, Scarlet Hope expanded into Cincinnati in 2009, then to Reno, Las Vegas, Nashville, Miami, Denver, Orlando, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Dallas in the following years.
According to Scarlet Hope’s website, 89% of women in the adult entertainment industry, when asked, said they wanted to escape, but felt they had no other means for survival. Scarlet Hope strives to provide those means.
“In 18 years [Scarlet Hope] were the first people who have cared enough to approach me with any kind of an option,” said one woman who benefitted from Scarlet Hope’s outreach. “It literally made me cry instantly. It means the world to someone when they feel alone.”
To learn more about Scarlet Hope and the wonderful work they’re doing, visit their website at at