Sharing hope and love with women in the adult entertainment industry.

Our vision is to see women in the adult entertainment industry all over the world equipped and empowered to change their lives through community, resources, and job training.

Scarlet Hope is a Louisville nonprofit that also exists in 10 major cities in the United States with a vision to one day reach women in 25 of the most exploitative cities. God’s fingerprints are all over every new site’s founding stories. God continues to answer prayers and call outrageously obedient leaders to love and care for these women because He loves them. We will go wherever God leads and give Him all the glory! Visit us online at

Caught up in drugs at an early age of life she only had ever known drugs and a life on the run. Her parents didn’t teach her anything different, after all they were the reason she was addicted at age 12 to drugs. By the time Alysa had children of her own she desperately wanted that cycle of addiction to stop, but had no idea how to stop. Shortly after her daughter turned 8 she ended up in jail for arson, burglary and other charges she doesn’t remember even committing. Her daughter was immediately taken into foster care upon her arrest and she never thought she would see her again. After two years in jail she heard about our program, Scarlet Hope. She submitted a request to her judge to do work release into our career development program and to Alysa’s surprise the judge agreed. Fourteen months later, over three years sober with an ankle bracelet around her ankle she graduated our program, was released from her current jail sentence and best of all received custody of her daughter back and has been reunited! Because of the empowerment grant Alysa was able to receive a savings match to help her after graduation with housing and transportation as she became the manager of a restaurant and lives out a redeemed life!
Carly joined our Career Development program last year, and during her time in the Career Development Program we learned she had restitution due to be paid to the court system. Throughout her time in the program she has been working to reduce down the outstanding fee the courts required her to pay. Using the funds offered to her through Ten Talents, Carly was able to pay off her remaining amount. Her next court date is in January and she will be able to go into the court room with her restitution paid off! This is such a beautiful gift to watch firsthand these women’s debts physically being paid off and it gives us the opportunity to share how Jesus paid our debts. We are so thankful for Ten Talents for helping us love and serve these women in this way!
Kara has been a participant in our Hope for Her program and has been diligently working towards gaining back custody of her children. Sober for three plus years and working as a full time peer support tech at a local recovery center Kara is well on her way to finding the necessary housing that she will need to bring her kids home. One of the barriers she has faced to getting adequate housing is paying off past utility debts. Through our empowerment program that Ten Talents funded, she paid off her water bill in full and is able to move forward in getting a new place to live and bring home her children!


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